Difference Between Witness & Eye-witness


In law, a witness is someone who, either voluntarily or under compulsion, provides testimonial evidence, either oral or written, of what he or she knows or claims to know.

Eyewitness is a derived term of witness.

As nouns the difference between eyewitness and witness is that eyewitness is someone who sees an event and can report or testify about it while a witness is an attestation of a fact or event; testimony.

As verbs, the difference between eyewitness and witness is that eyewitness is to be present at an event, and see it while a witness is to furnish proof of, to show.

A person can be called an "eye-witness" if he/she saw something happen that is relevant to the case. In criminal and civil cases, they can be called by either side in the case. Evidence as an "eye-witness" must be about the facts, that is, what a person actually saw, rather than any assumptions person has made from what he/she saw.

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